
Sunday, December 8, 2013

My thoughts...

In conversation with predominately adults (older than myself) I discovered that it is very hard for some to be open minded, and this has no racial specification.  What I have found as I continue to learn and grow mentally, spiritually and emotionally is that wisdom has no age definition.  Because every individual's walk on this earth is different you cannot define someone else's wisdom or lack there of by what you feel they have not experienced.  What I believe is that if some people took the time to look past the physical and allow themselves to learn from people you would be surprised at what life lesson someone can share with you that will encourage you to be better than you were yesterday.  But of course in order to do that you have to be "open minded".  

I too feel, especially as a writer and believer of continual growth and development, that there is no point in labeling someone as an expert.  With expert being defined according to Google as, "a person who has a comprehensive and authoritative knowledge of or skill in a particular area."  I understand that when you are truly passionate about something you learn everything there is to learn and live for that passion everyday, but when you consider the idea of evolution and continual growth and development you are only or can consider yourself an "expert" about a particular item only at a specific point in time.  For that matter it somewhat contradicts the idea of expertise, as the individual knows all/everything there is to know about a particular idea, item, subject etc.  Additionally if you consider the fact that you are human and we base the truth or evidence of things that we "know" to be true we assume at that point that we are "all knowing" which we are not.  And in that case we are not an expert of anything because we only know what we know or what society claims to be true about a particular idea.   

Because we live in such a diverse world and because most of us have not had the pleasure to experience every aspect of this world every minute of every day we are merely making assumptions based on what we know or believe to be true.  And as humans we have to consider the fact that we too are bias.   Bias formed from individualism, culture, tradition, perception, etc.  When we interpret truths based on what research and studies conducted and lead by ourselves that yield data that we interpret ourselves, for that matter we are shaping the ideas we want others to believe we know everything about when in actually two individuals could conduct the same experiment and have two totally different outlooks.  Does this make sense?  I could be beating a dead horse here but I want to encourage people to stop being so closed minded and read, research and think for ourselves.  We don't have to rely on the "experts" to do what we can do for ourselves.   At the same time we have to be open to learning things from others and not close ourselves off to growth and development.  That is the foundation of evolution, aside from diversity.

This message may sound contradictory to some but the point is to learn from others not rely heavily on the ideas of one man to dictate your own ideas and be the basis of what you deem to be true.  

Words of Omission : The Things I Wonder

Words of Omission : The Things I Wonder: What if Malcolm X told jokes And Martin Luther King sold dope The things I wonder What if Rosa Parks was holding on to her seat in the ...

Monday, November 25, 2013

It's not easy

So hard
Taking that first step
Into light
I have been blinded by
Colorless days and nights
Just black
No white
Limited sight 
So hard to see
Now I can breath
In my dust filled lungs
I have hope of smelling again
Hope of color filled vision again
Because it has not been easy
Denying me
Choosing you 
Blind leading the blind
To darkness
I looked to you 
To lead me
You failed me
You failed we
The family we dreamed of
The love I fought hard for
You didn't show up
It's not easy to love alone
From now on
I choose me
The light 
The color of love
Now in sight 
No more loving alone
It's not easy...

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Greatest Lesson in Life

I learn everyday and I make sure to thank God for clarity.  What I have recently be very adamant about is what we allow ourselves to be exposed to and take in.  In case you didn't know your mind controls and/or plays a large role in your functionality; your actions, perceptions, choices, etc.  What you see and what your mind process as tangible becomes real to you.  With that being said, it is important that we monitor what we take in.  We have to be aware of who and what we listen to.

Although I believe in the motivation to lead and guide and pursue the goal of being a preacher, every individual is not meant to be a pastor, teacher, minister or preacher.  Just because a family member wants to pass on the business does not make you entitled.  Preaching is a God given talent and a calling nonetheless.  Just like my ability to write is God given, I was chosen to use my literature as my medium.  I was called to speak and teach and I never understood my prophesy until now.  Although being a pastor in terms of a congregation is not what I had in mind and doesn't really align with my talent, I have found that my work, my life, my journey and my literature are my story.  They are my lessons  and I use them to speak to the masses and encourage and motivate the world.

I know several people in my life who either should not be preaching or ministering or who judge because they feel that they know God more than another, and want to share the stories of God with out life lesson or testimony.  Although God does not judge we tend to encourage people to seek him by judging how they are not like him or don't participate in church.  At the end of the day, we are imperfect and God sent his son Jesus to die for that very reason and that is why we are not to pass any judgement.  Education and encouragement are the motivation of the church.  But I believe that the real lesson, the real encounter with God comes in the moments of solitude when you know yourself and identify that you want and need to be more like him.  When you welcome him in, that is when you make your connection.  That sparks your desire to seek him and establishes your faith to believe in him.  That is when you seek self improvement and a greater understanding of how to conduct yourself in this world.  And even with this you are not perfect but you strive to be better and I believe that is the greatest lesson in life of all.

Wisdom From My Pen

Only individuals that are incapable of understanding the significance of character and perception will stoop low to assassinate someone's character to get  a rise out of them or get the response they seek.  Put yourself in that individuals' the end of the day treat people they way you want to be treated.  I don't make exceptions for those individuals because I am not now and will never be on his/her level.  I am a very straight forward person, very transparent, so people can recognize my truth from someone's lack of maturity and ignorance.  Be wise...don't just believe what you hear.  That in itself is ignorance.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


So how can you be jealous of someone who has something you already had?   There is absolutely no way you should be mad at someone you have already been with because he or she is not with you or didn't do what you thought they would.  We all make choices in love.  Your choices may have spearheaded their choices so you can't place fault 100% on one individual.  That is when you should ask yourself a few questions...If you are going out of your way to make someone feel jealous or to prove that your situation is better without that individual, how much better is it?  Why would you put energy into making something look better than what it is?  Seems like you are trying to fool yourself.  

I know we have all been there.  I believe we have all been in a place where we have wanted someone and for whatever reasons you could not make out why it didn't work, but instead of closing that chapter of your life properly you chose to trump up your current situation to make that individual jealous.  As many love and life lessons I had to learn to finally get this I understand now that to fool yourself is foolish.  We know the true desires of our hearts so instead of making something seem better actually make it better.  Exhale!  Breathe out the past and welcome the new.  Don't try to move on faster than your heart will allow.  You don't want to deal with that regret.  

I vowed to myself to always put myself first moving forward and not let my emotions cloud my rational thought.  And I will be perfectly honest with you, doing this has not always yield results that I wanted.  And that hurts to know that my decision didn't align with my heart but it does align with what I know I deserve and what I know to be right.  Too many people are nieve.  We are intuitive creators for a reason.  When your intuition speaks to you I encourage you to listen!  Because sometimes our patience is tested to make sure that we learn the lessons in love to be the lover that we long to be.  You won't know that if your just in a rush to be a lover.  Love is far beyond the idea society dreamt up.  We have to be patient and willing to learn and grow before we can appreciate true love.  If that means 50 years old for me that means I will wait patiently.  Because I can't love anything less than wholeheartedly.  And when you love, when you truly love there is no jealousy. 

Saturday, September 14, 2013


Unfortunately now confusion consumes and I can only equate that to the lack of expression.  I have failed at communicating my feelings, in literary form.  Oh how I miss thee.  I need to allow my words to say what my mind won't allow my mouth to utter.  In love and life now momentarily confused.  What to do?  Who to love?  How to love?  Why do I still hold feelings for one I let go?  Couldn't have let go fully and for some reason alone sounds heavenly.  I hate to choose.  Because if I chose I would choose him.  Same choice since day one, but I know better.  Or at least I thought I had.  Who craves a love when you are not number one?   OR am I?  Is he hung up on rejection?  But rejection had a cause...or so I thought.  May be that was a bad choice.  And that's where imperfection takes form.  In love I can't find the answer.  So I write to provoke thought.  What should I do?  I need answers...

Friday, July 26, 2013

Warm Season...

So I have been blessed in so many ways its been unreal!  I thank God so much for all of the wonderful things he is doing in my life!  My heart has been made a new and my passion for greatest and being purposeful in the lives of others is being fulfilled!  One more year, one more book and I'm falling more in love with writing everyday!  Life is great and this is definitely a warm season!  

Monday, July 1, 2013

I Wish...

You know today I wish I could get on a plane and not return until I am ready.  I found that some of the best experiences of my life I made possible.  I feel like I have to continue to make my own opportunities.  What am I waiting for?  Nothing and no one but me.  I am currently thinking of a plan to return to a space of mental, physical and emotional peace.  Stability.  My sanity.  I need you.  Not that I have just lost my mind, but I am better in a place of travel and adventure.  My world can be accessed through my laptop.  That is all I need.  My writing is here, my voice is heard here and my school can be accessed here so I feel like its all I need for now.  Sounds crazy how dependent on technology we are, but if I was perfectly honest with myself for a moment, I wish I was back in London, living my life...

Now thinking of my escape!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


To my electronic diary I thank you for allowing me to use you as my outlet.  I am often flustered by the redundancy of life.  If you know anything about me at all you know I live for excitement, spontaneity, freedom, peace and exploration.  I thrive off of "the new".  I need it and today is no exception.  I anticipate the jet life, I love the rush, and I am speaking poetically in this post, but I don't want to structure it.  I don't want the verses I need you to feel it, in the form of casual talk.  I am merely listing my own desires to share, nothing more.  With that being said I thank you for always allowing me to use you.  Furthermore I anticipate the new, got several trips coming up this year.  Ready to get back to the UK as I believe I left a piece of my heart there.  And some parts of my soul long to return there, possibly for life, but we will see how that goes.  Only time will tell but the Lord knows, where my soul will rest, where my heart finds peace and when my fingers will type no more...

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Had Enough...

You know life is filled with days when I just want to say that I have had enough! I reached my tolerance for many things, bullshit, lying, lack of faith, inability to face truth, etc. Everyone has their own levels of tolerance and I have been dealing with several things for many years, today I must say that I have has enough! Granted my frustration initiated with lies no matter how small it bothers me so. I don't see the purpose in lying! It only catches up to you. Most often those who embellish truths don't realize that their lives become lies! And there is no escaping! At that point you fear the wrath of the truth! It's a never ending cycle! Just like the cycle of Slavery! We can't escape it because we can not escape the mindset! We enslave ourselves because some of us (and I am referring to those African Americans who use the past as a definition of their current state) are too devoted the idea that it still exists!  We will never progress with that outlook...ever.  Have you had enough yet?

Virtual Diary

So I come to you for understanding, my virtual diary.  Sometimes things make more since once read and or written.  I don't know about you but I walk this life seeking understanding, to gain knowledge and evoke love.  I understood that more recently, I was looking for someone to learn something from.  I found in previous relationships, whether platonic or intimate, that each individual not only had something to gain from my friendship but I found that I grew personally in each relationship.  Some of those growth lessons caused relationships to conclude and others contributed to generous amounts of learning.  For most I appreciate my lessons.  Sometimes though I hate that love didn't always turn out the way I wanted it to or I would have liked.  Despite that fact however, I keep living, loving and learning.  I will never get tired of that!  

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Breaking Me Down...

So I once wrote about a love that I longed for, one that I thought would stand the test of time and now I am here writing about another love that is breaking me down. Not in a bad way, but in a way that makes me view love in a totally different perspective. I appreciate clarity. No matter what form it comes in.

Just because I'm over you
Doesn't mean he's right for me
I fought hard to make sure
If its love
It would never again pass me
And this time was no exception
I must learn a valuable lesson
I must leave my pride
I must stray away from stubbornness
I must increase communication
I have to create you a space
Not a crevice to seep in
When I least expected
I had to open the door
And give you the key
Fear emerges
The foundation of the barriers I created
And now back at square one
No love
No lessons learned
I give it another shot
This time it's right
But I lose sight
And loves not alike
No where to turn
Surrounded with fear
Holding hands with pride
In the arms of stubbornness
With no love by my side...

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Love Lessons...

As most of you may know I have successfully completed and published my first fiction novel Southern Belles and now I am working on my other baby, The Love Trials.  The Love Trials is a literary work that I have yet to officially classify, but The Love Trials talks about the different lessons in love that I feel that we must experience in order to truly understand the idea of love and being in love so that we can truly identify the mate for our soul (soul mate) and love unselfishly through a healthy love.

As I writing this post came to mind because for many years I thought that I found my soul mate.  Even when I started writing this book, which initiated as a blog post, I just thought I knew which one of my previous relationships identified with each love lesson.  But now that I am in another relationship, after some time, I am starting to realize that I was all wrong.   Because I wish not to make anyone who is reading this post uncomfortable, or since I wish not for individuals to try and decipher who I am speaking about I will speak in broad terms.  But now I realized that my perception of the first love and my heart breaker and test were incorrect.  So far I have determined that I have confused the Heart Breaker and The Test.  My test was yet to be experienced.  My heart breaker brought on heart ache larger than I could ever express through words.  Not much to my surprise either.  I always knew they were a lesson and I don't mind that I was wrong in my initial assessment.  But as I have realized the error in my ways I can move forward in life and anticipate love with new eyes.  

With that being said I, in my work, will continue to express my feelings on love and each lesson, and the impact that my own love lessons had on my life.  I look forward to the soul mate.  One thing that I knew then that still remains true today is that in love, one individual can encompasses each lesson of love, or they can be evenly distributed with a different love for each lesson; but either way, I believe with all sincerity that each love must be encountered before you truly love unselfishly through a healthy love.  That is the ultimate objective.