
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Life is...

Life is full of the inexplicable, the unknown and the uncertain.  In life we try our hardest to make sense of it all.  The point of living is loving, growing and learning all that there is to learn.  With that I say that my life has taken an unexpected turn and sometimes I want to fight the natural order.  Sometimes I want to be ahead of the plan.  But that is not always how it should be.

He said yesterday
And today
"I love you"
And I couldn't face the words
For they were not spoken from the heart of the man
For which I long
But it was aright
I mean
It was ok
I do accept that life
My life
Will not be the way that I anticipated
It will be greater
I'm open now to the possibility
No longer closed off to reality
I can see now
And my life
As I know it now
Will be different
And so it continues...