
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

A Necessary Thought...

I despise the idea that I maybe considered less of an African American because I have a different view...not necessarily in opposition but different.. Riots and looting solve nothing! Never have and never will! It's a moment of attention but when nothing comes from the action then what? What other efforts are you going to make? 

"We are in one of the freest countries in the world", yet we don't know how to survive in it. We allow it to control us and don't take responsibility for our actions just play victim and exist believing that "this is how it has to be" without doing anything about it. Mothers and fathers send their kids to school don't check homework or give two cares about the lack of respect a child shows toward his/her teacher or fellow student. But then it's not the parent it's the teacher responsibility ! Ok... So if we don't care why should they? If we fear each other, why wouldn't they? 

If all we can see is a white man killing a black man we are missing the real issue...and I am not in any way trying to belittle this counties history of slavery however the judicial system/law is corrupt. This country was founded on Christian principle yet we live in contradiction of those principles. And the irony of it all is that we praise people in law school who consider themselves great if they can get a "guilty" man off...and why? Because they have used the legal system in their favor and not for what is fair or just in a way that shows they a superior to the law, e.g. mastered it. 

There are many systems that fail us daily yet we fail to identify them and with the simple fact that perception is everything. We as a culture are failing one another... We have to get in front of that and be the change we want to seek. We spend more time hating and envying people than loving people and genuinely being concerned for their wellbeing and/or aiding in their progress. It's time out for always playing the victim. It's not helping us at all! 

Not saying that it's not wrong by far that men have died at the hands of officers who failed to practice law enforcement appropriately. But what I will say is that one reason I want a gun is to protect me from people who have no common decency and selfish goals. 

We can't control men or women...we can't control their ideas, motives etc., but what we can control is ourselves and the circumstances and situations we put ourselves in... We have control over our children and the moral, value and standards that they hold themselves to. We have control over how others perceive us. We have control over our behavior. We have the choice to be better... I guess one day we will make an effort to progress in the absence of killing, anger, raping, jealousy/envy, pride and money driven goals. 

Love... Now that may be the answer we can't fathom will work but just may do the trick!

Monday, April 6, 2015

Next Chapter

Sometimes in life love seems to be the biggest disappointment.  If that is the case the idea of love is still foreign.  I will not rant about what love is, you can read"The love Trials" or there are plenty of poems on my blog that share that information with you.   But what I will do is share the natural way love and purpose manifests in your life.  How we interpret this shows us who we are.  I have been watching someone in particular fall in love with me, unwillingly and it is crazy how in denial one seems to be.  Not only that when confronted with questions regarding behavior love is not only avoided, it is not an option.  But actions and words are not aligned.  Naturally when words and actions do not align we tend to seek affirmation from actions.  What people do can be seen to be more accurate than what people say.  What I have learned is that the only thing we can gather from words and actions not aligning is that they are not being honest with themselves.  They do not want to confront the truth.  Because when you are honest, your actions are a reflection of your words.

In this and previous chapters of my life I have made it a point to ensure that I vocalize my purpose.  Though now my actions are not quite aligning with my words.  I have been a writer for many years.  I have experienced things, I have been given wisdom far beyond my years but up until recently, I was not able to own up to that responsibility.  I was always afraid of what it would make me look like to know and and share such things.  But now I am not afraid of using it for the greater good.  I can't keep this inside for the rest of my life.  I have to share it.  I have to be all of the things I profess in my blogs and poems.  And I want to see it happen in this life.  It starts with is the time.   I take accountability for my actions, I own up to my intentions and stop waiting on something to happen that I know I must make happen.  The process I am unsure of, but what I do know is that now my heart, mind, body, soul and spirit seek to be on the same page with my purpose. There is indeed WORK to be done.