
Sunday, December 7, 2014

To Be Open...

In love nothing is guaranteed, but love is an amazing thing.  Because we are human and flawed creatures we tend to place our frustration with love on everything but ourselves.  Our lack of understanding of love and romance plays a large role in how we perceive love and what we expect out of love.  Love is simple, often complicated by us, so what you seek needs to be simple.  True love is in the eyes of the man/woman you want to change nothing about.  Simple right?  Easier said than done I know.  Love does not encompass a life time of trying to define or change someone.  Your smile, your gaze/stare in love should be from the purest place; an undying attraction because for that individual your attraction was formed in the most genuine place.  NOT LUST.  Genuine, sincere love and attraction for that individual.  We have to be open at all times.  We have to understand that broken hearts are a result of misunderstanding and lack of love.  True love is undying.  And fear does not live in love.  They cannot co-exist.

Open to
you are open to new
and lust
but love
you shy away from
can't understand the difference
attraction is the same thing
as tranquil vibes
peace defined
harmony in the eyes
dances under the moon
and kisses under the stars
can't decifer
not the same thing
you guess
because the soul doesn't sing
during lustful thrusts
or tears of distrust
no loyalty
love doesn't qualify
the secular defines it as love
so that's what you believe in
that's what your seeking
totally closed off to 
understanding the truth
of love
and it may never find you
because your to lost 
to be open...