
Wednesday, November 30, 2011


One foot out
now in motion
I take the first step
and the robe that draped my bear skin
is now covering cement that still lingers of warmth
from when I was there

step two
open my arms
throw back my head
sun rays fed
my soul

step three
sirens scream
mothers snarl
and men seem to not lose focus
can I get to step four without
taking away liberties

now in the back of a cop car
but life happens
in the search of personal liberties
my naked soul bearing
formed a road block in progress
and it may be this way for centuries

Monday, November 14, 2011

Patience is of Virtue

Patience is a fragile thing
It is very powerful and underestimated quality

In the world
Keeps wars from happening
Keeps boys from marrying women
And children from having babies
But the world thrives on controversy
Everyone wants to take a stand for negativity and make it positive
I mean
There is no justification for locking up innocent men
Or breeding children to do anything less but win
Or allowing the media to eat at individualism
Establishing bias
And contributing to the bridge that separates facade and reality

In life
Anxiety eats at patience
And society fuels desires to eliminate waiting
"Act Now"
"Think Now"
Common slogans that force us to compromise time
Time that allows us to make conscious decisions
Decisions and choices that allow communities to compete
Keeping up with the Jones is the norm
And living within means is poverty

And in love
Is the trait that allows you to recognize its worth
Love without time is a loss
You can not value something that you have not experienced anything with
Marriage symbolizes this
Marriage is a journey
A struggle
And an appreciation for the ability to sustain the love of one
When in true love
Patience is earned
You have to know its place
To understand

Patience and time make memories
They form journeys
And fuel appreciation for the simple things
Forcing anything is a sign of vulnerability
You wear you insecurities on your sleeve
When you feel you have to compromise time to be happy
You need step back and think
That maybe you need to work on self
Patience is of Virtue
The more time you take to iron out the kinks
The more smooth this thing called life will be