
Sunday, August 9, 2015

Back Against the Wall

In life I find my tolerance for the lack of  decency and lack of consideration of others is steadily decreasing.  When you understand your self-worth, you know definitively what you will and will not tolerate.

My entire life I've fought to be understood and/or heard.  But people don't hear you when they don't like what you have to say.  Perception is often taken and used to justify one part of an argument without being used objectively to identify the issue and find a solution. It's easy for people to say how something makes him/her feel without understanding how his/her response makes someone else (the other party) feel.   I say all this to say as I examine my intimate and platonic interactions I have come to recognize that only you define your worth.  Not what you value but your value.  Possessions show what you value but have no merit on your value.   Many people get lost in the idea that they want people to think they have it all when in fact they are just broken on the inside, trying to maintain an image that only takes them further from the idea of their very own being (God given purpose).

When I try to share this specific idea with people it only seems that I am pushed further and further against the wall.  When you try and get people to see their lack of understanding or to see that it is very clear that the idea of his/herself portrayed is in direct contradiction with who people are it is like walking into a war zone.  No one wants people to see them for who they are when they have yet to come to terms with who they are...

In one of my last interactions it was so obvious that the individual's social network platform was the place he went to establish and validate his horizontal purpose (not God given).  He wanted people to believe that he was of great character, great choices, great passion for his people and great service (very philanthropic) but what he didn't portray was how in reality his actions and choices very rarely exemplified the man he portrayed to be.  He was caught in between right and ridiculous.  Lost in my opinion.  When you try to tell a man that he is not everything he portrays to be defenses automatically go up and your genuine concern for his personal growth are lost.  You begin to be identified as confused.  And when you continue to have people that are fooled by who you want to be and don't see you for who you are, you are more inclined to gravitate toward individuals who believe the idea of you.

I guess in a perfect world every man would be who they truly are and accept their faults and work honestly on being and portraying the same things.

One can dream...