
Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Dissapointment

No one is better than God...You are not even close. The idea is to stive for excellence, not promote oppression and ignorance.

If the only way some feel better is if others feel worse, reconsider your purpose...We can not live life in fear of someone being better than us. You are you, and you are capable of only doing and succeeding in the things that you can do. If you have to make some people feel inferior to you than you are insecure and you need to find happiness in you.

I love my people... but often times we can easily place blame for past oppression to anglo-saxtons, but we excuse self inflicted oppression with the explanation that we are just being black. Doesn't make sense to you. It doesn't make sense to me either.

I am all for self confidence and love...But when you start to compromise morals at the expense of some one else's feelings...that says alot about you character and individual moral.


Not so sure, but I am dissappointed in those who make you feel worse to feel better. Go to church. Search within' self to find the answer, because you are NOT happy. Making yourself believe you are better just because your shoes cost more than his...

That is a negative.

Style has no cost; but immorality and discriminatory behavior does. Get it together; we are all of the same blood...that, blood, has no separate colors. And what's worse is that some of us try so hard to be another, or the other (race), that we don't even recognize our significance. We misinterpret our purpose and live life searching....not enjoying it.

Think about this.....

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