
Monday, May 14, 2012


So it is crazy how we find the good and the bad in something that is morally wrong.  I am referring to LYING of course.  Bottom line, lying is wrong.  That is what we teach our children; we want them to be truth tellers.  There is dishonor in lying, however even with all of this understood, as adults, we never cease attempts to rationalize lying.

In most cases, well in some of my previous experiences, lying was only used when I wish not to hurt someone's feelings or to not get me in trouble ( as a child).  Now I find that lying does not help in any case.  When you lie to keep yourself from getting in trouble, even though in some cases it may work, you still never learn the lesson.  You will never understand why lying is wrong.  You feed into the assumption that lying helps when in actuality it does not.  If you are lying with hope to not hurt anyone's feelings, when that lie surfaces, the individual is hurt more that if you would have just told the truth in the beginning.

I am learning now that withholding information does not help either because it is misleading.  Not that I intentionally try to mislead people, I am just a very specific person so if you do not ask me a question the way you want me to answer, you may not receive the answer you are looking for.  And I do not operate under the "I think I know what you mean" assumption.  I will answer all questions as they are asked.  I will give nothing more and nothing less...period.

So with that being said, I have to ask how many of us lie?  How many of us feel that we are not really lying when we are concealing truths with the hope to not hurt anyone's feelings?  I am sure we can say we are all guilty of this at some point.  And for those of us who just blatantly lie and see no wrong in that, well you have a lot of work to do.

It is true what they say, once you tell one lie you must continue to tell another and another.  If you start out lying about simple things, before you know it your entire life will be a lie.  We have to stop using the excuse "it's none of their business" either.  When we try to keep people out of our business by lying we began to believe the lies we are telling.  Unfortunately then our entire lives become a lie and we can not decipher between what is real and what we make other's believe.

Think about that!

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