
Monday, November 25, 2013

It's not easy

So hard
Taking that first step
Into light
I have been blinded by
Colorless days and nights
Just black
No white
Limited sight 
So hard to see
Now I can breath
In my dust filled lungs
I have hope of smelling again
Hope of color filled vision again
Because it has not been easy
Denying me
Choosing you 
Blind leading the blind
To darkness
I looked to you 
To lead me
You failed me
You failed we
The family we dreamed of
The love I fought hard for
You didn't show up
It's not easy to love alone
From now on
I choose me
The light 
The color of love
Now in sight 
No more loving alone
It's not easy...

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Greatest Lesson in Life

I learn everyday and I make sure to thank God for clarity.  What I have recently be very adamant about is what we allow ourselves to be exposed to and take in.  In case you didn't know your mind controls and/or plays a large role in your functionality; your actions, perceptions, choices, etc.  What you see and what your mind process as tangible becomes real to you.  With that being said, it is important that we monitor what we take in.  We have to be aware of who and what we listen to.

Although I believe in the motivation to lead and guide and pursue the goal of being a preacher, every individual is not meant to be a pastor, teacher, minister or preacher.  Just because a family member wants to pass on the business does not make you entitled.  Preaching is a God given talent and a calling nonetheless.  Just like my ability to write is God given, I was chosen to use my literature as my medium.  I was called to speak and teach and I never understood my prophesy until now.  Although being a pastor in terms of a congregation is not what I had in mind and doesn't really align with my talent, I have found that my work, my life, my journey and my literature are my story.  They are my lessons  and I use them to speak to the masses and encourage and motivate the world.

I know several people in my life who either should not be preaching or ministering or who judge because they feel that they know God more than another, and want to share the stories of God with out life lesson or testimony.  Although God does not judge we tend to encourage people to seek him by judging how they are not like him or don't participate in church.  At the end of the day, we are imperfect and God sent his son Jesus to die for that very reason and that is why we are not to pass any judgement.  Education and encouragement are the motivation of the church.  But I believe that the real lesson, the real encounter with God comes in the moments of solitude when you know yourself and identify that you want and need to be more like him.  When you welcome him in, that is when you make your connection.  That sparks your desire to seek him and establishes your faith to believe in him.  That is when you seek self improvement and a greater understanding of how to conduct yourself in this world.  And even with this you are not perfect but you strive to be better and I believe that is the greatest lesson in life of all.

Wisdom From My Pen

Only individuals that are incapable of understanding the significance of character and perception will stoop low to assassinate someone's character to get  a rise out of them or get the response they seek.  Put yourself in that individuals' the end of the day treat people they way you want to be treated.  I don't make exceptions for those individuals because I am not now and will never be on his/her level.  I am a very straight forward person, very transparent, so people can recognize my truth from someone's lack of maturity and ignorance.  Be wise...don't just believe what you hear.  That in itself is ignorance.