
Monday, June 11, 2012


So this post is to provoke thought on the pros and cons of the world wide web.

Sure at this point we find ourselves very dependent on the internet and all of the information we are able to access.  I understand the right to free speech and all other civil liberties, but I often wonder how much better the world would be if it were void of technological advances.  Particularly the internet/world wide web.

We see it everyday many loosing there lives at the hands of those who wish to experiment with minds.  With those who wish to pass on evil thoughts and deeds.  Those who upload suicidal how-tos for ready access to children.  And those who take pleasure in manipulation.  Utilizing the world wide web to feast on the vulnerable and naive.  It really sickens me just thinking of this.  I don't want to focus too much on the negative impacts alone, because there are some very great things available.  The internet is more so of a convenience.  It provides us with the ability to access information quickly.  There is a wealth of information.   There is so much you can access.  So much in fact that most should not be available or accessible to children/youth under the age of 21.  So how do we censor?  My thought is that we must get parents that understand that the internet, although very useful, can in turn be very dangerous in the wrong hands.

Everyone has a certain peek of maturity.  Our parents would know that best.  Parents know what their children can or can not handle.  Parents know what information their children should or should not be exposed to a certain period in their lives.  Yet even with this knowledge we find that most parents are totally oblivious to the boundlessness of the internet.  Because most parents are clueless and fail to educate themselves on the extremities of the internet, we fail at establishing boundaries and monitoring access.   Instead we allow the internet to raise our children.  We allow the internet to be the go to person  for clarification on all aspects and for education of moral and social norms.

I will say for me, I developed a sense of moral from church.  I understood right and wrong and everything I learned in vacation bible study, the youth church camp, praise dance rehearsal and choir rehearsals framed my ability to make wise decisions.  Not to mention I had a mother who honestly cared.  I never felt that I could get anything by her.  She was always aware and even though it was annoying when I was a child it is much appreciated now.  And even though the internet was not as prominent during my adolescent, it was very prominent my teenage years and it was not nearly as advanced as it is now.  I will say that computers were primarily for the use of education, home work and research tools.  Though the internet serves as a vast research tool it also supports and caters to individual needs.  Everything is about customization.  What do you want?  What do you feel?  How do you want this to look? What would it be if I represented you?  And we tailor our websites, social networking pages and blogs to do just that.  While there is nothing wrong with individualism, it does lend to allowing our children to see/be exposed to many different practices that may not be like our own.  This, in my opinion fuels rebellion.  Now that your child knows what it is like in Johnny's home, he/she wants it to be the same way in his or her home.  And that initiates a cycle of rebellious acts.  Children then began to learn and be exposed to things you either did not want them to see at that age or things you did not believe they were mature enough to handle.  Because your child has deemed you as incapable of understanding how, when,  what, where and why your child developed these notions, there is a communication barrier established.  What child wants to talk to someone they feel "doesn't understand" them?  This of course, this feeling of being "misunderstood" contributes to shutting down. Your children/youth, I can very well use the two interchangeably, feels that he/she is now the only one that understands.  So they seek other individuals that share the same thoughts and feelings.  Then you allow your child to be vulnerable to others ideals.

What we should think about is how to keep this from occurring?  Once this has occurred is there a way to get the child's/youth's mind back?

I could obviously continue to talk on this topic forever but I really want to know what you all think.  Please do share you thoughts.  Do you agree?  What is your take on the internet?  Is it for Good or Evil?

I want to hear from you! 

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