
Monday, May 21, 2012


So I dedicate this post to the younger generation.  I am unaware of the proper generalization.   I understand that my sisters and I fall in the category of Generation Y but I am going to call these children born in the range of mid to late 1990s to early to mid 2000s, the Millennials.

My thoughts on the Millennials & The Fad of Homosexuality:

What is sad is how so many of our youth are followers.  Just about everyone is homosexual.  As a woman of strong Christian moral, I do not condone homosexuality however I do not judge those who make conscious decisions to be homosexuals.  But I do feel that the Millennials are taking homosexuality as a fad.  I remember when so many feared coming out about their sexual preference.  As a child I had no idea my uncle was homosexual, not until he had passed away and I was about 16 years old.  That is when I found out what he died from and I over heard my parents/aunts/uncles discussing it and put the pieces together.  But up until that point I had no reason to inquire about homosexuality.   I didn't know what homosexuality was.  Unfortunately the Millennials advance far before they are mature enough to handle the information they receive.  I feel that these children are making a mockery of  homosexuality.  I am by no means bashing those who feel that "that is the way they were born"  I am nearly pointing out that every young girl or man in middle and high school were not born that way.  But it seems as if it is the more popular thing to do now a days.

I would want these children to make up their own minds.   Find their own paths.  For a country that is based on Christian value and moral we deviate so far from making sure to impose that values and moral.  We are not put on this earth to judge anyone.  Only GOD can do that.  But we can share the word.  We can inspire others.  We can educate on what the word says, on GOD'S expectation.  We do not have the authority to criticize or mock.  I don't agree with that.  Even though I don't personally agree with homosexuality and that is not my preference, I would never criticize, hate, pass judgment or mock anyone.

What are your thoughts???

Monday, May 14, 2012


So it is crazy how we find the good and the bad in something that is morally wrong.  I am referring to LYING of course.  Bottom line, lying is wrong.  That is what we teach our children; we want them to be truth tellers.  There is dishonor in lying, however even with all of this understood, as adults, we never cease attempts to rationalize lying.

In most cases, well in some of my previous experiences, lying was only used when I wish not to hurt someone's feelings or to not get me in trouble ( as a child).  Now I find that lying does not help in any case.  When you lie to keep yourself from getting in trouble, even though in some cases it may work, you still never learn the lesson.  You will never understand why lying is wrong.  You feed into the assumption that lying helps when in actuality it does not.  If you are lying with hope to not hurt anyone's feelings, when that lie surfaces, the individual is hurt more that if you would have just told the truth in the beginning.

I am learning now that withholding information does not help either because it is misleading.  Not that I intentionally try to mislead people, I am just a very specific person so if you do not ask me a question the way you want me to answer, you may not receive the answer you are looking for.  And I do not operate under the "I think I know what you mean" assumption.  I will answer all questions as they are asked.  I will give nothing more and nothing less...period.

So with that being said, I have to ask how many of us lie?  How many of us feel that we are not really lying when we are concealing truths with the hope to not hurt anyone's feelings?  I am sure we can say we are all guilty of this at some point.  And for those of us who just blatantly lie and see no wrong in that, well you have a lot of work to do.

It is true what they say, once you tell one lie you must continue to tell another and another.  If you start out lying about simple things, before you know it your entire life will be a lie.  We have to stop using the excuse "it's none of their business" either.  When we try to keep people out of our business by lying we began to believe the lies we are telling.  Unfortunately then our entire lives become a lie and we can not decipher between what is real and what we make other's believe.

Think about that!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Today's Topic: Taking it to the grave... - Truth Speak Series

Unfortunately secrets will eat at you.  In the past, I admit that I am very much so guilty of encouraging someone else and myself to keep a secret.  Unfortunately keeping secrets does not ensure happiness.  Withholding truths eats at your conscious.  We all have the capacity to determine what is right from wrong.  We all know that telling the truth is better than lying however I find that more so as an adult we shy away from the truth in relationships.  And that is any kind of relationship.

I happen to believe in honesty.  I have developed a mindset where I encourage everyone I am in a relationship with, whether it be friendship, sibling, mother-daughter, father-daughter, romantic, etc. to be honest in everything.  If you believe that knowing the truth is more beneficial than knowing a lie than you empower yourself to set an expectation of honesty.  And I stand for nothing less.

I have not always be as forthcoming and even if I am not initially at some point I will voice my concerns, opinions and/or feelings and ask people to take my truth for what it is.  I understand too that sometimes we make judgements on how critical information may be.  But we do not fully understand the importance of specific facts to another individual.  For some the smallest things are very irritable and for some the more larger issues and critical.  And that could too be dependent upon the situation.  It is not our role to dictate what will or will not be important to someone else, but it is our role to stay true to ourselves.  It is our responsibility to make sure that we bestow the same respect and expectations on someone that we wish to receive.

I want to share a secret of my own:

So when I was sixteen years old I was molested.  I remember immediately feeling helpless, trapped and scared.  I feared for my own safety.  I feared that the next step would ultimately be rape.  I was so scared all I could do was pray.  For me the first time I ever shared this secret was too a bunch of strangers.   I found that it was easier to express because no one really knew me.  No one could make any connections as to who I was talking about.  It was also approximately 4 years after it occurred.  So imagine keeping that secret, the emotions, etc. bottled up for four years and trying to live without hate and frustration.  Even with this incident I managed to not hate every man on the face of the earth.  I managed to still know when and how to trust.  I believe that my strength came from God.  I chose to forgive.

I pose a couple of questions to you:

How many of you deem withholding infidelity from a partner ok (whether married or unmarried) if he or she does not find out?  Why or Why not?

How many of you are dealing with secrets that are tearing you up inside?  Will you ever tell?  Why or Why not?

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Today's Topic: How Prejudice Are You??? - TRUTH SPEAK SERIES

So many of us do not like to admit the fact that we do hold some sort of feelings toward the prejudice that still remains.  Some of us fail to admit that we are actually prejudice.  It is quite natural in my opinion to segregate and use misguided opinions (assumptions).

I grew up in an age where I did NOT have to witness segregation, however I did have to learn about it and hear of its affects.  Those lessons in turn fueled a very early opinion regarding the mindset and thought process of caucasian individuals.  Although I do NOT consider myself racist or prejudice, I can not help but admit the pain, frustration and helplessness I feel when I hear about the trials and tribulations of my ancestors.  It sparks up a certain disappointment and rage.  I have the capacity to contain myself and my thoughts.  I have the ability to separate the past from the present, and in that respect I am able to not hold a grudge with individuals based on color alone.

Unfortunately racial bias and discrimination still occur.  Because of this, as an African American, we are sometimes forced to be prepared to handle these situations.  In those preparations we are planting and harboring seeds of the expectation of prejudice.  Some people believe that the capacity to succeed is based on color.  Some people believe that their  own setbacks are based on color.  We have to eliminate the mindset in order to truly eliminate prejudice and discrimination.  No one color is more prominent or more powerful than the other.  No one color has better chances at success than the other.  We have to stop generalizing personal traits and individual moral and standards.  We are making assumptions based on generalizations of a nation of individual people.  We have to stop making assumptions and making assess out of ourselves.   Not only because we are losing innocent lives, but because we are minimizing our own potential.  To live in this world and say that it is VOID of prejudice is ridiculous.  To live in this world and say that you are not prejudice is arguable.

My question to you all is will this ever end?  Will we ever be in a world void of racial discrimination?