
Saturday, January 23, 2016

Learning VS Memorizing: TRUTH SPEAK SERIES

I can't understand those who confuse attendance in church with a relationship with God. It is the same as confusing memorization with learning. Memorizing biblical scriptures doesn't mean that you have learned and/or are applying the scripture to your life. So just because you attend church, doesn't mean you have a relationship with God. Stop beating people over the head with scripture when you don't even apply it to your own life! I know I have said this before (in a different way) but I continue to see it on my timeline, or when I tell people the last time I went to church they look at me like I should be behind bars! But you have more faith in your preacher or "people" than you do in God. I not now nor will I ever take credit for my stregnth. I am strong because my faith is strong, therefore I can do all things! Battles are a test of that faith. I have never lost a battle nor have I fell victim to something I know is not of God.

In case you were wondering, I grew up in church. From my attendance I gained the tools I needed to establish my OWN relationship with GOD. And I did just that. I will never allude to being anything I am not. And I walk in MY PURPOSE everyday. Everyone has a different purpose and walk in this life, so stop assuming if someone else's actions don't match your own or what you "think" it should be that it is NOT RIGHT.  You are NOT RIGHT for focusing on anything else but YOURSELF.  Be accountable for you and no one else. Love your neighbor like you love social media. Stop hating on and antagonizing people and be motivated to support and love like you "get money". Check your focus! Because all of those who really want to affect change start with themselves! Be the example not just a critic.  

Someone can be categorized as ignorant but taught to read and write; at that point they are no longer ignorant. To often we validate stereotypes but hate to be stereotyped. Stop desiring to "look" better instead of actually "being" better. Learn to make a change instead of memorizing/mimicking behavior that makes you "look" the part.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Gettin' Money.... TRUTH SPEAK SERIES

The motivation of just about every one seems to be that of "gettin' money"; a phrase that has been in circulation for as long I can remember.  Hearing the phrase as an adult I begin noticing that everyone was actualizing its intent.  And I shuttered to believe the idea that money would be the sole motivation for so many.

In life, especially when we have less, we don't realize that money does NOT equate to happiness.  While it makes some circumstances bearable or better it does not and will never equate to happiness.  I hear people mock this notion all the time.  Because their thoughts have not evolved, they are stuck on the idea of what we believe money represents and not what the money isn't capable of doing.  Not realizing that just because money eases stress and redirects focus it doesn't mean your happy, just means that now your focused on something else.  And this is why I find a lot of people "with money" or "gettin" money" hardly sustain wealth.  Their focus is on short term goals or gain or status versus actual wealth.  You can see the difference in those motivated by money vs those motivated by success.  Most people who are motivated by success, consider wealth.  They explore the immediate and long term goals of money.  Yet, it seems that for most the concern is more of the illusion of money and status.  For example, think about all those people in clubs popping bottles and their rent is not yet paid.  OR those buying luxury/designer bags, purses, etc. and children have not been fed or they live in poverty.  Or even those who drive luxury vehicles and but working at a job making at or less than 50K per year, with $2 in the bank!  But if you see them out you would think they had it all together, when in fact THEY DO NOT.  They are more concerned with what they look like, than what they actually have.  There is a sense of pride they are in search of and/or a sense of validation from people they don't know.

In recent news, Soulja Boy has been highlighted as repeatedly saying he is worth 20 or so million and is worried about gettin' money, but he comments that he doesn't "brag" about what he has.  Hearing this I asked myself why is money that much of a concern.  As someone who grew up with what I like to call the "best of both worlds", spending much of my childhood and pre-teen in mid to lower class and my teen and adult years in mid-high class, I saw what life was like with barely enough and with more than enough resources to sustain.  When you grow up "without" or "disadvantaged", when you have an opportunity to have a different life or a "better" life, your idea of better is more or less everything you did not have.  Which is not always best.  Spending all your money on clothes just because "you can" is poor logic.  It seems to be the logic of more African Americans, and what I believe will ultimately be our demise.

Have you ever paid attention to the fact that most CEOs, doctors, lawyers or executives drive cash cars every day, wear regular clothes, etc. and are virtually undetectable as someone "wealthy" or "rich"?  Meanwhile, people with $2 in the bank or living paycheck to paycheck, look like they have millions.  Ironic right?  I would say so. Wealth is maintained by frugality, investing vs spending and giving.   Money should be a benefit not motivation.  You would think that those who never had money would be more careful and appreciate it more, because just as fast as it comes, it goes, but that's most often NOT the case.  Money fuels selfishness.  Selfish people are never satisfied or happy.  They always want more.

When I think about happiness and motivation, I asked myself a question, "Would you rather be happy/peace of mind and broke or rich and unhappy/not a peace?".  For me the answer is simple, I would rather be happy, with a peace of mind and broke, than rich and unhappy. Peace and happiness are my motivation, in everything that I do, I seek peace. Nothing is better than a peace of mind to me. And true happiness can't be bought.  I see unhappiness every day, in people who try to "reinvent" themselves for acceptance with plastic surgeries.  When you are focused and motivated by the wrong things it's hard to appreciate little things.  That is why you see people who are stripped of their possessions/money who kill themselves.   Those can't see the value in life without money!  That is what happens when your motivated by money.  You can't appreciate life.  Money should never be motivation, but a benefit in life.  People who are motivated by money have deeper rooted fears, issues, etc.  Those fears allow them to be motivated by money, but until they are able to address those fears and learn to appreciate life, they will understand how to live in this world.  They will merely EXIST in it.