
Sunday, December 7, 2014

To Be Open...

In love nothing is guaranteed, but love is an amazing thing.  Because we are human and flawed creatures we tend to place our frustration with love on everything but ourselves.  Our lack of understanding of love and romance plays a large role in how we perceive love and what we expect out of love.  Love is simple, often complicated by us, so what you seek needs to be simple.  True love is in the eyes of the man/woman you want to change nothing about.  Simple right?  Easier said than done I know.  Love does not encompass a life time of trying to define or change someone.  Your smile, your gaze/stare in love should be from the purest place; an undying attraction because for that individual your attraction was formed in the most genuine place.  NOT LUST.  Genuine, sincere love and attraction for that individual.  We have to be open at all times.  We have to understand that broken hearts are a result of misunderstanding and lack of love.  True love is undying.  And fear does not live in love.  They cannot co-exist.

Open to
you are open to new
and lust
but love
you shy away from
can't understand the difference
attraction is the same thing
as tranquil vibes
peace defined
harmony in the eyes
dances under the moon
and kisses under the stars
can't decifer
not the same thing
you guess
because the soul doesn't sing
during lustful thrusts
or tears of distrust
no loyalty
love doesn't qualify
the secular defines it as love
so that's what you believe in
that's what your seeking
totally closed off to 
understanding the truth
of love
and it may never find you
because your to lost 
to be open...

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


For some reason
We identify more with UNIT
We are making exceptions for goals
To be seen
When the UNIT is to support
Selfish ideology
We need

Missing the message
Allowing the idea of perfection
To provide misdirection
Where are you headed?

You seek
Yet do not find
Because ignorance defines
Said goal
To be clueless
To lack understanding
Of the notion of mass control
You allow yourself to be manipulated
In the absence of UNIT-Y

No hope for the future
We are not where we should be
Fighting one another for the same dream
Same goal
Geed feen
I hope you see
The UNIT supports
Selfish ideology
Are in desperate need

Monday, October 6, 2014

The frustration

Why can't you see 
The beauty that lies deep
Not in the image
You seek to be
But in the mind
The heart
And spirit of the present being

So few accept the truth
The freedoms 
So granted 
Only known to few 
To set yourself apart
Showcase you...

You lost sight of the view
The vertical perspective
In hindsight 
You preach individualism
Vision obscure
I seek to find the variance
Between you
Or her
Same goal
Same dream
Same drive
Superficial examples of love and life 
You find yourself in search of you 
In them
The model
You follow
And you wonder why 
I'm confused 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Catch Up

When I first began this blog I was heartbroken, confused, lost and unconcerned about my destination. I always sought experience with no set destination.  But questioned who was I to become?  Who was I to love?  How would I let myself love again?  Will I ever experience peace?  Now, as a woman, with a career and inexplicable joy I sincerely appreciate my journey, my pitfalls, my pain,  my smiles etc.  Life has been so good to me and I have truly enjoy sharing it with you through my poems and posts.  It is an amazing thing to be able to reflect on growth.  Diary/Journal entries keep me in constant awe and anticipation for the new.  To set and achieve goals you had only hoped for is an amazing feeling.

As with all of my posts I seek to encourage through my words, giving you my walk on my writer's block.  My words seek to support your pain, joys and journey.  Just in the last three years I opened myself up to some amazing experiences,  without fear I moved across the country and I was enlivened.  I sought refuge in the unknown and I grew spiritually, was healed emotionally and had some of the best experiences of my life.  I was free to love and live and from that experience I have learned that love is to be given to all, without judgment.  I accepted my peace which I found in the bare necessities.  I now can say without a shadow of a doubt that I understand the meaning of life and found peace of mind that is inexplicable.

Not too many people can say they live without fear.  However I walk fearlessly everyday with hope to encourage those around me to seek the true meaning of life and love.  Because when you truly understand your purpose, you know there is nothing and no one that can take that from you.  Even if my legacy is not understood until I leave this earth, my heart will rejoice knowing that my existence will at some point help someone else in their walk of life.  I know that love is to be shared openly with all and has no price.  Love is free.  Love is appreciation of the trees, the simple things and the acceptance of self, flaws and all.  Unfortunately for most of us we will not give ourselves the chance to experience the love and peace that I speak of.  It requires soul searching and humility and quite frankly most of us are seeking goals, paths and journeys that are not our own.  So, my question to you becomes how long will it take you to seek your purpose?

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Its been a minute...

It has been a minute since I have allowed anyone to take a stroll.  So much going on emotionally that has me very vulnerable.  If you know me at all you know if hate to be vulnerable so this has been a very difficult time for me.  While working extremely hard and trying to maintain a social life I find it very difficult to keep two people from my mind,  my best friend's mother, who recently passed away from breast cancer, and an old friend.  The process of grieving is one in the same as the process of moving on from a relationship.  What is worse is opening yourself up to greater possibilities and having the door slammed in your face for reasons unknown.  In recent conversations I have been surprised at how open I have been to the fact that I have greatly been impacted by the loss of my best friend's mother.  It was a great loss for me and I typically handle death pretty well, but the woman was so wonderful and had such a profound affect on me.  I miss her more than I can articulate and I wish I could just have one more conversation with her to gain her wisdom.  I am truly truly hurt by this loss.  At the same token I have given the one and only true love of my life away and it has been the hardest to deal with because just recently I realized that I regret my actions.  I regret saying "no" instead of "why now".   I am not one to regret and for that reason alone I think that this year I have been living more than usual, taking risk and living as much as I can.   But as much as I write, speak and encourage others to love I have not loved in a long time.  I want to, my soul longs to but I can't give love to just anyone.  How am I going to get out of this rut?  Only time will tell but expressing this can only help.

For now...