Unfortunately now confusion consumes and I can only equate that to the lack of expression. I have failed at communicating my feelings, in literary form. Oh how I miss thee. I need to allow my words to say what my mind won't allow my mouth to utter. In love and life now momentarily confused. What to do? Who to love? How to love? Why do I still hold feelings for one I let go? Couldn't have let go fully and for some reason alone sounds heavenly. I hate to choose. Because if I chose I would choose him. Same choice since day one, but I know better. Or at least I thought I had. Who craves a love when you are not number one? OR am I? Is he hung up on rejection? But rejection had a cause...or so I thought. May be that was a bad choice. And that's where imperfection takes form. In love I can't find the answer. So I write to provoke thought. What should I do? I need answers...