You hide behind the shadow of you
So caught up in the unnatural
Engulfed in the facade of perfection
Can't comprehend
The power that speaks volumes
The quiet in the storm
The illuminated soul
It’s radiant
I see what you are
You see what you want to be
You take time away from self development
To build on the politically correct/socially accepted you
Don’t even know you
Don’t listen to your heart to hear its truth
Quiet now
Peace is still
Take a second to really exhale
What do you see?
Life in reality
Real time
In this I find sincerity
I take pride in me here
It’s home
It allows me to be at peace
Even when I am alone
If you don’t realize the power you hold
You can never convince me
I will never believe you
Let confidence guide
Let your pride ride
Not steer
Humility is accepting the faults
Use them
I speak volumes
My words move mountains
You witness the greatness
You see the light that illuminates
I can’t fake it
The smile is pure and I BELIEVE
My confidence exudes
No fear
There is no hesitation
It is the acceptance of choice
Don’t take for granted the consequences
Let them teach you
Let the hurt prompt you
Falling is ok
Just remember not to break
You are as great as your greatest thought
Make light of you
Let it drive you
Use the confidence as power
Don’t let it overtake you
Too much of anything can overwhelm you
I am watching
I am waiting
Embrace YOU
I want to share this peace with you